Touhou LostWord Wiki

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Welcome to Touhou LostWord Wiki!

There are currently 85 articles and counting!


In Gensokyo... • Gensokyo Isle • Scarlet Devil Tower (Act 1 • Act 2)Hakugyoku Arena (Act 1 • Act 2 • Act 3 • Finale)Human Village (Act 1 • Finale)
Eternal Battlefront (Act 1 • Act 2 • Act 3 • Act 4 • Act 5)
You of the End • Pseudo Paradise • The Last Ward (Act 1 • Finale)
Ruins of Memory • Story Card Travelogue • Witch of Scarlet Dreams

Game Contents

Friends (List of playable characters) • Story Card (List of Story Cards) • Services • Tasks • Prayer • Errand • Daily Quests • List of events • Buddies • Journal • Items
Challenge Mode
Scarlet Devil Tower • Hakugyoku Arena (Daily • Weekly) • Library • Kourindou • VS Divergent Spirits
Type • Enhancement • Limit Break • Luck • Fantasy Rebirth • List of non-playable characters • List of enemies