T5 Universe

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The T5 Universe is an alternate world belonging to the T-Type Multiverse. It was first introduced in Chapter 2 EX: Shadow of the Tower Act 1.


The T5 Universe is a version of Gensokyo expanded into a continent-spanning wasteland. Its inhabitants race and engage in battles of bullets on motorcycles; this is reflected in their rally raid-themed costumes. Universe details further elaborate on life in the desolate heat-crazed Gensokyo.

Universe details

One of the parallel universes in the T-Type Multiverse.

The T5 Universe has a divergence scale of 5 within the T-Type Multiverse. It contains many exceptional elements. The T is short for Transliteration, the act of writing letters or words in the characters of another alphabet or script.

This universe's Gensokyo has expanded to the size of a continent, the majority of which is an uninhabitable wasteland. The ongoing incident in this universe involves ultra-long-distance races where the competitors engage in battles of bullets while striving for the finish line. Supposedly, if you win, your wish will come true.

Major Points of Divergence:
- Unknown due to lack of information.
However, it is theorized that this universe diverged due to a combination of incidents that changed Gensokyo's weather.

Major Points of Convergence:
- Unknown due to lack of information.
However, this universe appears to have a tendency to converge with worlds that similarly possess vast swathes of wasteland.

Characters from this universe

Tenshi Hinanawi Byakuren Hijiri
Icon T5 Tenshi Hinanawi.png Icon T5 Byakuren Hijiri.png