B2 Universe

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The B2 Universe is an alternate world belonging to the B-Type Multiverse. It was first introduced in Code Bm3: Kaiju City 2.


Little is known for certain of the B2 Universe other than the presence of the Lunarians and the Lunar Capital. Notable characters that belong to this universe include Tiny Space Terror Junko.

Universe details

One of the parallel universes in the B-Type Multiverse.

The B2 Universe has a divergence scale of 2 within the B-Type Multiverse. It contains few exceptional elements. The B is short for Binary Data, a set of information made up of zeroes and ones.

Major Points of Divergence:
- Unknown. (It is thought to be before the points of divergence of A8.)

Major Points of Convergence:
- Tends to merge with a very large number of universes. (Convergence tendency.)

Characters from this universe

Icon B2 Junko.png