Reimu Hakurei (L1)

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This page is about the Reimu Hakurei from the L1 Universe. For a list of other characters with the same name, see Reimu Hakurei.
Reimu Hakurei
Hakurei Shrine Maiden
L1 Reimu Hakurei Costume Hakurei Shrine Maiden.png
Character Information
Type Icon Type Defense.png Defense
Quality Icon Item Paper Doll.png Prayer
Voice 1 Someone Who Cheerfully Has Tea
Voice 2 Someone Who Resolves Incidents
Voice 3 Someone Straightforward
Theme Fantasy Telegnosis

Reimu Hakurei, also known as the Hakurei Shrine Maiden, is a character from the L1 Universe. She is one of the seven friends the player can randomly obtain upon first launching the game.



Reimu Hakurei's usual outfit. It features the traditional red-and-white shrine maiden attire plus a big red ribbon.
— Costume description

Reimu's default appearance in Touhou LostWord greatly resembles her usual appearance in the original Touhou Project franchise, with the only notable difference being the green lining of her sleeves.

Refer to the table below for Reimu's alternate costumes:

Carefree Class Representative Shrine Maiden of Rice and Miso Soup Good Luck Shrine Maiden Sacred White Shrine Maiden
L1 Reimu Hakurei Costume Carefree Class Representative.png L1 Reimu Hakurei Costume Shrine Maiden of Rice and Miso Soup.png L1 Reimu Hakurei Costume Good Luck Shrine Maiden.png L1 Reimu Hakurei Costume Sacred White Shrine Maiden.png
A uniform designed especially for Reimu by Yukari Yakumo, inspired by clothing from the outside world. Reimu wears this outfit while cooking. She is skilled at cooking simple homely meals... apparently. Reimu's outfit for the New Year. Naturally, Rinnosuke is the one who designed it. Reimu's Fantasy Rebirth outfit. It was fashioned at Kourindou based on information in the journal.


Names in Japanese

Japanese Romanization Translation
博麗神社の巫女さん Hakurei-jinja no Miko-san Miss Shrine Maiden of the Hakurei Shrine
悠々自適なクラス委員 Leisurely Class Representative
巫女とご飯とお味噌汁 Shrine Maiden, Rice, and Miso Soup
開運招福の巫女 Shrine Maiden of Good Fortune
神籬の間の白き巫女 White Shrine Maiden at the Shinto Altar

External links