L0g Universe

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The L0g Universe is an alternate world belonging to the L-Type Multiverse. It was first introduced in Code L?: Lost Ward.


Very little is known about the L0g Universe, however it is known that the locals of this universe have either turned or is in the process of turning into spirits in order to survive in their universe. Locals of this universe have Fantasy Rebirth-themed appearances; the significance of this is unknown.

Universe details

One of the most mysterious universes.

The g is short for Ghost Word, a word published in a dictionary that previously had no meaning. This universe is also known as the Lost World or the World of Spirits.

For some reason, the denizens of the L0g Universe have all become or are in the process of becoming spirits. It is theorized that this was their only means of survival.

Most cultures believe or have believed in the existence of ghosts, spirits, and phantoms. However, the records state that spirits are merely an illusion caused by fear and reverence of the dead and the unfathomable workings of nature.

Characters from this universe

Sanae Kochiya
Icon L0g Sanae Kochiya.png